Savings Accounts

The right savings plan can add up

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Join the Green Team

Give your Children the foundation of smart money management! Green Team Savings is a kids-only banking program designed to be a fun way to help children to learn the importance of saving and spending wisely. Green Team Savings offers exclusive events, special products, and discounts. Plus, as a reward for good spending habits, Fidelity Bank will make an additional deposit of up to $10 into your child’s account each year*

Statement Savings

With Fidelity Bank as your financial partner, you can save at your own pace. Earn for the future you have always wanted, with an interest-bearing savings account to help you reach your goals faster.

Smart Cents Savings

Give your children the foundation of smart money management! Green Team Savings is a kids-only banking program designed to be a fun way to help children to learn the importance of saving and spending wisely. Green Team Savings offers exclusive events, special products, and discounts. Plus, as a reward for good spending habits, Fidelity Bank will make an additional deposit of up to $10 into your child’s account each year*.

Smart Cents Savings

Give your Children the foundation of smart money management! Green Team Savings is a kids-only banking program designed to be a fun way to help children to learn the importance of saving and spending wisely. Green Team Savings offers exclusive events, special products, and discounts. Plus, as a reward for good spending habits, Fidelity Bank will make an additional deposit of up to $10 into your child’s account each year*

Smart Cents Savings

Savings is important but it can be a challenge. We can help get you started with our simple and convenient Smart Cents Saving. When you open any checking account with Fidelity Bank you can take as little as $1/ week from that checking account and deposit it into your savings account.

Money Market Accounts

You’d like to make your savings work harder for you but still need easy access to your funds. A personal Money Market can offer you a unique blend of Savings and Checkings with higher interest than a traditional savings account and the liquidity to write a small number of checks each month.